Bullseye Pro Mount Ski Jigs
DISCLAIMER: Use all Bullseye Ski Jigs products at your own risk. It is your responsibility to ensure the safety and adequacy of your work and equipment.
Pivot jigs available now on Ebay
Others available winter 2025 based on request and demand.
Purchase through Ebay seller: BULLSEYESKIJIGS
The PRO MOUNT Ski Jig is not a shop jig. It’s better. Want to know more? Read on.
Pre-production Pivot Jig shipped to development supporter. Production jig photos coming soon.
Pro Mount 1.0 for Pivot is available on ebay now!
Above we mentioned that PRO MOUNT is not a shop jig. So why do we call it “PRO”? Because that’s how you will feel using it. It’s precise, easy to use and has satisfying quality in its sliding, clamping and measuring functions. There are a few reasons why some shops may want to use our jigs too. Below, we will describe in detail why this jig is the best available, but first here are the basics:
Each binding pattern will be physically verified (with bindings in hand) by our design team. No guessing, no doubts.
A little skeptical? The hole pattern and BSL measurements are user verifiable. You can check them without even drilling.
Super precise bronze drill collars. Why bronze? Read on.
Full scale and precise BSL measurement (on alpine binding models). Intuitive, easy.
Smooth, easy and precise sliding boot center plate and heel plate.
Strong plate clamping mechanisms. Confidence.
Swap-able plates. Keep your costs down.
Replaceable components! -
Comes with;
Accessory plates or pins to verify your hole pattern before drilling.
Drill stop and depth gauge- Yes, use them even for stepped bits - if you have a 9.5mm bit, no need for shorter ones = $ saved
Allen key for clamping
Shop jigs have too much slop. Paper templates are great… sometimes. At Bullseye we are all about precision. Pro Mount has super tight tolerance drill collars so that you get ultra precise results. We chose Pivot bindings for our first available jig pattern because they are that are notoriously difficult to mount. Ski inserts? No problem. With Pro Mount you can drill your shiny skis for ski inserts easily and with confidence. Find out more about our jigs below.
Why bronze drill collars?
Did you guess precision? You were right! Our drill collars have super tight tolerances and can be sourced at reasonable cost. That’s savings to you. Yes, bronze is soft. Yes it will wear significantly faster than steel. That’s OK. Here’s why. 1) Our collars likely have tighter tolerances than your drill bit (wow). What happens if your bit is 0.005” larger than the collar ID? The bit will cut right through the collar, leaving you with ZERO slop! 2) They are replaceable. If you wear out your drill collars you can contact us to buy new ones for a reasonable cost or… new plates wont cost much more. We are thinking of sending one extra with the product in case your buddy tackles you while your drilling. Pester us if you think this is a good idea.
Your collars will last longer if you keep your drill steady and up-right when drilling. How long? We don’t know - yet. Regardless if we didn’t think this was the best option for you, we would have found a different solution.
Why no auto centering function?
True, our jig does not have automatic centering. Why? Too sloppy! Centering mechanisms on shop jigs are notoriously off center - so we ditched em’. Center line tools are common place (if you don’t have one yet, you will soon! See below.) and far more precise than centering jigs. By marking your center line and aligning Pro Mount visually using our precise pointers you will get amazing results. Adding precise auto centering mechanisms to the jig would be cool - we agree (and have some cool solutions bouncing around our shop), but we are pretty sure price point and simplicity make this a better product.
Do ski shops use Bullseye Ski Jigs?
Not just yet. We want to get these in your hands first, but as we said above there may be a few reasons they will want them. 1) For mounting with binding inserts. Extra precision is needed for customers requesting a mount with notoriously finicky binding inserts. Those mounts will be much faster and easier with our jigs, so ski shops will save time and money. 2) Uncommon bindings. Though we are not there yet, we plan to make lots of different binding patterns available (including may touring bindings. Shops may want a jig for uncommon binding patterns so they can provide more service and better results. 3) Excellence - sure, most shop customers may not notice their are skis mounted a little off, but many do! We think all skiers will be happier if there bindings are mounted amazingly and that’s just what Bullseye Ski Jigs do!
Why 3D printing?
Precision and cost. You guessed right again. 3D printers are great for both. Plus we have one (hopefully more soon). There are downsides of course. Prints take a long time and are definitely not as strong as machined or molded parts. We think these jigs are plenty strong enough considering their price point and comparative value, but they are not indestructible. If you find yourself with a broken component, contact us, we can provide parts at reasonable.
Can I print my own plates?
We love all (decent) people but we won’t be giving out .stl files any time soon. We won’t (can’t) stop you from printing plates of making your own jigs based on our concept. Be warned though, LOTS of troubleshooting goes into getting our plates perfect and we think our verification methods are better than yours. We will still like you even if you make your own and don’t buy from us. We won’t even steal your pow line or put your secret stash on Instagram. Actually we think you’ll still buy stuff from us because; we have lots more cool ideas in the works and because you want to ski not bang your head on the wall figuring out how we get it so perfect.
Whats coming next?
We have lots of ideas and can’t wait to get working on them. A super precise and cost effective centering mechanism is high on the list. A way to use common drill bits in 8mm jigs is coming asap. A way to make the bronze drill collars in the Pro Mount jig you just bought is also imminent. We also have much more ambitous plans to get you things you never knew you needed. Please support us so we can keep innovating instead of working for then man.
When will additional binding plates be available?
That depends on you.
Pivot will be up on ebay February 2025. We plan to offer Jester, Squire etc., Alpinist, ION, Plum Guide and Oazo because we like them and have them on hand. If initial jigs are selling well and feedback is good, that opens opportunities to get you more options on a faster timeline. If you dont need the pivot jig, please buy a Centerline Tool. Any little bit helps.
Don’t see what you want? Let us know!
Contact us at bullseyeskijigs@gmail.com or through ebay.
We can make jigs for 3.6mm, 4.1mm, 1/4in (for inserts) and 8mm drill diameter or even for common imperial equivilents.
Centerline Tool
Use Bullseye Ski Jigs Centerline Tool to locate and mark a perfect centerline on your skis for ski mounting.
- Easy, fast, super accurate
- Smooth, stick free action
- Aluminum body, tight tolerances
- Set screws for repeatability
Yes, we know the website on the sticker is out of date. We are DIY at heart and will fix it when we get a cooler picture : )